Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Practising my backcombing technique

Before this course I always thought backcombing was an obvious techniques and women always backcomb their hair to made for a volumes look.
However, I was wrong. Lottie taught me the correct way. I used to just make knots in the hair and make a volumed mess. I have learnt in hair that the most simple style of hair still have their own technique of doing things wrong.

When I used to backcomb my hair I used to apply a sawing action to the hair. I now know that by doing this all I was doing was ruining the hair.

The correct way is combing down but taking the comb out of the hair again to go down the hair again. This way the backcombing can easily comb out again afterwards apposed to just creating one big knot and my partner hating me for it.

Below are a few pictures of my newly learnt backcombing styles (this was easy to brush to out too)

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