Monday 27 October 2014

Curling and Crimping!



-Tail comb

In this lesson we were taught how to do curling and crimping in an Elizabethan Era way. So we was shown a small demo of the procedure at first.
We had to curl one side of the head and them crimp the other side. Then we had to brush the hair out after to see the affect.

This is my curls i did. However next time i will curl going alternative ways, as the curls will become bigger and more messier.

This is the second layer of my curls, this layer i have got in alternative order to achieve a bigger look at the end

 This is a photograph of my curls brushed out. I was very happy with this look as it was my first time with the tight curls.


I really enjoyed crimping as i used to crimp my hair when i was a little girl and it reminded me of old times.

This is my crimped hair before i brushed it out to get the affect.

Here i have brushed out the crimps and i am holding the hair like this to show how much body crimping your hair gives you

 This is the finished look and i am very happy with the outcome

Below are some Elizabethan Portraits with their hair crimped

Elizabethan hair that has been crimped and curled

Queen Elizabeth I, c. 1580.
Artist Unknown.
Private Collection.
[Viewed 4 December 2014]

Unfortunately the Artist for this portrait is unknown. This proves that in the Elizabethan Era the crimped hair style was in fashion.

This is a contemporary image of a historically correct hairstyle:

Anne-Marie Duff portraying The Virgin Queen
[Viewed on December 2014]

The image above is a contemporary image showing us a hairstyle from the Elizabethan Era. This picture shows curls around the hairline into pin curls. There is also padding used in this image for volume.

Below is a portrait of Queen Elizabeth showing how the curls used to be in that Era

The Ermine Portrait
Nicholas Hilliard, 1585
[Viewed on December 2014]

This portrait shows curls in the hair and how a curled hairstyle looked in the Elizabethan Era. Also a heart shaped padding with jewels on top of the heart shaped padding. This hair is a tight curled look.

Contemporary Crimping and Curling
Taylor Swift
Photo by Gregg DeGuire/WireImage for NARAS
[Viewed on December 2014]

The image above is an image of Taylor Swift with curly hair. This image shows how different the curls have changed throughout the years. The curls used to be tight, flat to the head. now the curls are looser and they dangle down.

Stacy Ann Ferguson
[Viewed on December 2014]

Above is an image of Stacy Ann Ferguson (as we know her, Fergie). This photo shows how the crimping has stayed the same since the Elizabethan times. But, they would have padding on their images in them times. Nowadays, the hairstyles are smaller and flatter on the head.


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