Monday 13 October 2014

Week 1-Washing and Blow drying!

      Weeks 1.. Washing and a quick blow dry

The first week of our hair class we started off by learning the basics of a wash and blow dry.
The lesson started off by watching a demo, then we had to follow the demo on our partners.

Step 1


This is your consultation form, you need to fill this out with your client before you start any treatment.
This includes:

1. Name

2. Age

3. Hair type ( long, short, coarse, thin, colour, natural or bleached)

You need to know the type of hair as you may need to change the products you use on the hair and the temperature of heat.

4. Extensions

May restrict or have to change treatment 

5. Allergies

You need to know if your client has any allergies again you may have to change the treatment or products.

6. Medication

You need to know if the client is on any medication as you may need to restrict the treatment or change the products.

7. Contra-indications
Contra-Indication is a condition that a client has that may stop or change the treatment. Fo example if a client had knits you will have to explain that to the client as you could catch them or pass them on to your next client.

8. Contra-actions

A contra-action is a condition that happens after or during the treatment. For example if you are dying your clients hair and you see Erythema is Starting to occur. you may have to stop and rinse as that client might be allergic to that product.

9. Any notes

If that client was allergic or had any reactions to anything you need to log this for future reference.

Step 2

We take the client to the hair basin, make sure the client is comfortable in the hair and at the right height. Place a towel round her neck/chest area so you don't get her clothes wet. Before you wet the clients hair, take a look at the clients hair and scalp to make sure you can go through with the treatment.
This will determine what shampoo and what conditioner to use on the clients hair, depending if the scalp is dry or not.

Step 3

You then need to get the temperature of the water correct before you start washing as you don't want to burn your client. When you think you have got the correct temperature just squirt a little bit of water on the client to see how the water feels.

Step 4

Start to dampen the hair from the top to the bottom, keeping your hand as a guard from the water splashing on the clients face. Make sure you life the hair up and get the very bottom of the client hair by the neck as people seem to miss this spot.

Step 5

Foam some shampoo in your hair according to the clients hair type and stroke the shampoo into their hair from top to the ends of there hair until the shampoo is all over. Depending on the sort of treatment its up to your if you want to give the client a relaxing massage at this stage.

Step 6

Once the shampoo is all over the clients hair, gets the correct temperature again of the water and start from the top and rinse all the shampoo out.
You do the shampoo and rinse x2

Step 7

Once all the shampoo is out the hair you then need to use conditioner to make the hair soft and healthy. So use the correct conditioner according to the hair starting from the top of the head and working down. (don't rub the hair together at any stage as this can feel uncomfortable and can ruin the hair). Then once the conditioner is all soaked into the hair don't take it off straight away. If you then get a comb whilst the conditioner is still in the hair, start from the top and work your way down, this makes the hair easier to brush once you are blow drying.

Note: If a client has got a greasy hair type, they will not appreciate conditioner to be apply on the scalp as this makes it greasier quicker. So just apply half way down the hair to the bottom.

Step 8

Once most of the knots are out rinse the conditioner out, makes sure it is out properly as this can leave white flaky bits in the hair once it has dried.
Then wrap the clients hair up with the towel they had on the chest and take them to the work stations.
My client wanted wavy hair instead of straight hair once dried so we only did a quick blow dry so we didn't need to part the hair or anything, but if the client wants their hair dried straight you have to part the hair and them with a brush and a blow dryer blow dry the hair downwards.
After you have followed these steps we go through the consultation again, to say that there were no contra-indictions and no contra-actions to the treatment.
These were 
This is how you should wrap your clients head
Bit of fun in the salon
Very happy client getting her hair dried

That was our fun hair washing lesson!

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