Thursday 27 November 2014

Nicole's assesment-Sarah-Louise Leftly (Designer) and Nicole Hackett (MUA) Review

Today was the day of Nicole's Timed Assessment, where she had to create my Contemporary Elizabethan hair design that I created in a certain time. Nicole turned up very prepared for the Assessment and I couldn't tell she was nervous at all. 
I felt that Nicole struggled a little bit trying to achieve a perfect heart-shape, because the back view of the hair was a perfect heart shape but when you looked at the heart shape from the front it looked a bit wonky. Even thou it wasn't a perfect heart-shape I was still happy with the end result as it was a big job and I did incorporate a lot of techniques in one hairdo. However, for Nicole to of achieved the perfect heart-shape I believe she could of looked in the mirror more, at the front of the padding, instead of just focusing on the back of the heart shape.
Overall I would say Nicole did a good job on my hair and followed my step-by-step exactly how I asked.

These were the photographs produced on the day of the assessment

Designer-Sarah-Louise Leftly
Hairstylist-Nicole Hackett
Photographer-Nicole Hackett

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