Wednesday 26 November 2014

Introduction to project brief

My first hair project here at Southampton Solent University will be look at Elizabethan hair styles and research of how the hair has changed since that Era. I will be designing a contemporary Elizabethan hair style for my partner to create and my partner will be designer a style for me.

Before I started here at Southampton I had only ever washed and blow dried the hair and self taught myself the basics of creating a bun and using heat equipment on the hair such as, curling with tongs and crimping.
Therefore I was excited to take on the challenge as hair was something new to me.

Due to my lack of experience in hair, I got a bit nervous knowing I had to design and create a historical Elizabethan hairstyle. However, everyone has to start at the bottom somewhere and work their way up. I choose to aim for the very top and learn everything their is to know about hair and the elizabethan Era. 
I will also be putting 100% effort into this corse and turn my weakness's into strength's and achieve a high standard of work to prove to people that anything is possible.

I cannot wait to see the outcome at the end of this project and cannot wait to start learning all about the Elizabethan Era.

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